Israel: Regathering and Restoration


            I. Regathering

                        a) The 5th cycle of discipline will be removed at the second advent, therefore: (See point b)

                        b) Israel is going to be regathered at the second advent — Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Isaiah 11:10-16; Ezekiel 20:34.

                        c) Isaiah 11:10-16, the regathering passage:


                        i. Verse 10: “root of Jesse” — Jesus Christ, root-shoot.


                        “his rest” — salvation

                        “that day” — Millennium.


                        ii. Verse 11:

                        “remnant” — regenerate of Israel.

                        “Cush” — Ethiopia.

                        “Elam” — Syria.

                        “Shinar” — Babylon.

                        “Hamath” — Syria.

                        “islands of the sea” — The entire world.


                      iii. Verse 12: “he” — Jesus Christ.

                                          “ensign” — Regimental flag.

                                           “outcasts” — Jews under the 5th cycle of discipline.


                      iv. Verse 14: Move across water without hindrance. Fulfillment of the Palestinian Covenant.


                       v. Verse 15: “tongue” — Red Sea.

                                         “river” — Euphrates.

                       vi. Verse 16: “remnant” — the ten tribes.


                        d) The Feast of Trumpets is a picture of the regathering of Israel in the future. Joel 2:1, 15-21.

                        e) The fact that there are Jews in the land today only shows that Satan is active today.

                        f) The Jews are under the 5th cycle of discipline which means they are going to be scattered until Jesus Christ returns, and then Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ will (can) regather them.

                        g) He will whistle for them and the Jews will come back into the land. Isaiah.

                        h) In the meantime you are going to find Jews scattered in many lands, speaking many Gentile languages. Because of these languages they will be able to evangelise during the Tribulation (144,000).

                        i) There will be some Jews in the land during the Tribulation, under a dictator.

                        j) When David’s greater son (Jesus Christ) comes back as King, then the Jews can come back. No Jew is in the land, legitimately, without the King.

                        k) The King is in heaven. When He returns He will be in the land — then the Jews can go back.

                        l) The Jews are under a double curse today:

                                    i. Spiritual death

                                    ii. 5th cycle of discipline.

                        m) The only way a Jew can get out from under the 5th cycle of discipline today is by way of regeneration, which results in:

                                    i. Spiritual life (Regenerate)

                                    ii. No longer a Jew, but Church (body of Christ).



            II. Restoration

                        a) Jews will be restored as a nation — Israel (under God) at the second advent.

                        b) Four unconditional covenants will be fulfilled at the second advent.

                        c) Isaiah 35:1-10:


            1. Verse 1: “wilderness” — desert; “rose” — crocus.

            2. Verse 2: “glory of Lebanon” — trees in the desert.

            3. Verse 3: “confirm” — make strong.

            4. Verse 4: “come with vengeance” — 2nd advent, baptism of fire — judges unbelievers.  

            5. Verse 5: Believers alive at the 2nd advent are not given resurrection bodies. Health is restored. They populate the earth. Capital punishment is the only death.

            6. Verse 6: “streams in the desert” — nature will improve.

            7. Verse 7: ‘dragons” — jackals, live in the desert.

            8. Verse 8: Highway is so wide you can’t wander off it. “unclean” — unbeliever.

            9. Verse 10: “ransomed” — believers.


                        d) Isaiah 65:17-25:


            1. Verse 20: Reference to capital punishment.

            2. Verse 21: Jews back in the land, idiom meaning “not conquered.”

            3. Verse 22: Private ownership of property.

            4. Verse 23: War will not come along and destroy what is accumulated.

            5. Verse 24: Prayer system of the Millennium.

            6. Verse 25: Humanly impossible to do these things.


                        e) Zechariah 8:20-23.